POLIS (Political Studies) 2016, No 05 Topic: Politics in a Transforming Society DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2016.05.00 CONTENT: PRESENTING THIS ISSUE (6-7) THEME OF THE ISSUE: POLITICS IN A TRANSFORMING SOCIETY Petukhov V.V. The Crisis Reality and Prospects of Political Transformation of the Russian Society (8-24) Chernysh M.F. Factors of Emergence and Reproduction of Inter-ethnic Tension in Theoretical Perspective (25-36) Nikovskaya L.I., Yakimets V.N. Institutional Development of Cross-sectoral Partnership in Russia (37-48) Yazhborovskaya I.S. Poland 2015-2016. Chronicle of Neoauthoritarian Revanche (49-65) POLITICAL DISCOURSE Shvyrkov A.I. Theory, Discourse and Political Reality (66-79) Kuchinov A.M. Approaches and Methods for Survey of Texts and Discourse in Political Science: Classification Experience (80-96) LABORATORY Sharkov F.I. Visualization of Political Media Space (97-107) Kravchenko S.A., Konnov V.I. Problem of Trust in Scientific Knowledge: Risks and Ways to Overcome Them (108-121) Andreyev A.L. “Soft Power”: Arrangement of Senses, Russian Style (122-133) Yanitsky O.N. Social Change and Governance (134-143) Grigorieva Ye.I. Once Again on Ethics of Scientific Publications (144-151) FEEDBACK Patrushev S.V. On the Addressees of Political Knowledge (152-159) REFLECTING ON MATTERS IN PRINT Petrov S.I., Volkova A.V. Fundamental Research on the Status and Prospects of the Russian Political Science (160-174) Mchedlova M.M. Destiny of Man and Fate of Society: 25 Years in Transit (175-182) Chugrov S.V. Russian Politics through Prism of Sociological Measurements (183-191)