SOTSIOLOGICHESKIJ ZHURNAL (SOCIOLOGICAL JOURNAL) 2016. Vol. 22. No.4 THEORY AND METHODOLOGY Socio-cultural dynamics of multiple modernities in Brazil and Russia Mikhail V. Maslovskiy 8-24 Theoretical and methodological study of ethnic tension causation Mikhail F. Chernysh 25-41 Globalization and an individual Oleg N. Yanitsky, Eugeniya B. Bondarenko 42-59 Work history as a subject of research Svetlana N. Ignatova 60-73 SURVEYS, EXPERIMENTS, CASE STUDIES Quality of School Age Children Reports on Family’s socio-economic status Tatiana E. Khavenson 74-89 Metaphors of User Interaction with Interactive Video Content Olga A. Dmitrieva 90-109 SOCIOLOY OF ORGANIZATIONS “Institutional Logic”: Critical Analysis of the Direction Irina A. Shmerlina 110-138 HISTORY OF SOCIOLOGY Sociological Plots in the “Annals of Psychology, Criminal Anthropology, and Hypnotism” magazine (1904–1919) Ilia V. Sidorchuk 139-156 ON THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF LEV D. GUDKOV On the 70th anniversary of Lev D. Gudkov Aleksey G. Levinson 157-158 REVIEWS, SUMMARIES [Rev.] Golovin N.A. Modern Sociological theory: Text-book and workshop for bachelor and master. М.: Urite publ., 2016. Mikhail B. Glotov 159-165 In search of a new theory. [Rev.] Sociology of life: Theoretical foundations and social practices. Ed. by Z.T. Toshchenko. Moscow: Russian State Humanitarian University, 2016. Mkrtich O. Mnatsakanyan 166-172 B.Z. Doktorov’s history and social project IT-maintenance Elena I. Grigorieva 173-179 ACADEMIC LIFE V All-Russian Sociological Congress and the IX Congress of the Russian Society of Sociologists Elena I. Pronina 180-183 NEW RELEASES New books 184-185 Electronic books and bulletins, published by the Institute of Sociology in 2016 186 Index, 2016 Index, 2016 187-190