SOTSIOLOGICHESKIJ ZHURNAL (SOCIOLOGICAL JOURNAL) 2017. Vol. 23. No.1 THEORY AND METHODOLOGY Satisfaction with work as a construct in empirical studies Galina G. Tatarova, Galina P. Bessokirnaya 8-26 Interview Mechanics: Producing situational adequacy when answering open-ended questions Vladimir V. Kartavtsev 27-42 SURVEYS, EXPERIMENTS, CASE STUDIES Emigration intentions of Russians and their civic participation Irina V. Mersianova, Elena S. Vakulenko, Natalya V. Ivanova 43-61 Subjective housing quality and citizens’ territorial identity (based on a survey of residents of the city of Kaluga) Anna Yu. Kazakova 62-87 SOCIOLOGY OF FAMILY The values of children and parenthood: Intergenerational dynamics Olga N. Bezrukova 88-110 ESSAY Why were Soviet social institutions immune to technological innovation Aleksey P. Ermilov 111-125 ON THE 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF BUDIMIR G. TUKUMTSEV Dedicated to Budimir Gvidonovich Tukumtsev, professional and person Anna S. Gotlib 126-132 ON THE 95TH ANNIVERSARY OF ZAKHAR I. FAYNBURG (1922–1990) Z.I. Faynburg: “My life was hard, but it was not a burden to me” Boris Z. Doktorov, Grigoriy Z. Faynburg, Yuriy R. Vishnevsky, Garold E. Zborovsky 133-155 IN MEMORIAM OF ZYGMUNT BAUMAN Disconnecting Acts: An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman / By E. Kristal, A. De Boever; Transl. from Eng. by O.A. Oberemko Efrain Kristal, Arne De Boever, Oleg A. Oberemko 156-176 IN MEMORIAM OF SERGEY S. RAPOPORT Sergey Rapoport (1934–2017): Life in sociology Vladas Gaidys, Danute Tureikyte 177-182 REVIEWS, SUMMARIES Lebedev P.A. Online focus group: features, limitations and specificities of the procedure Natalia N. Terenteva 183-188 NEW RELEASES New releases 189-191