Sociological Science and Social Practice (Scociologicheskaja nauka i social'naja practika) № 4, 2017 Table of Contents To the reader 5-8 THEORY AND METHODOLOGY Orientation Trends of Russians' Trips Abroad in 1967-2016 Aleksander V. Zhavoronkov 9-26 SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE Research on Motivation for Scientific Activity at University as a Corporation as Part of the Institutional Approach Andrey L. Andreev,Irina M. Novokhatko,Aleksandra S. Osipova 27-45 Russian Youth in the Formation and Use of Intellectual Potential David L. Konstantinovskiy 46-64 SOCIOLOGY OF СULTURE Happiness meaningful and spontaneous Polina M. Kozyreva,Alexander I. Smirnov 65-91 SOCIOLOGY OF GROUPS Sociocultural World of Young Russian Workers' Daily Life Alexander L. Temnitskiy 92-107 RUSSIAN SOCIETY TODAY Anti-Westernism in the External Political Mentality of Present-Day Russians (According to Sociological Surveys) Yury V. Latov 108-123 Some of the reasons for "Soviet" nostalgia and historical memory of Russians about the Soviet period Raisa E. Barash 124-151 REVIEW Review of Yearbook of Russia reforming: vol. 15. Moscow: New Chronograph, 2017. 568 p. Svetlana A. Gubina 152-155 Migration: variety of concepts and multiple manifestations. Book review: Rybakovsky L. L. History and theory of migration. KN. 2: population Migration: a phenomenon, concept, determinants. Moscow: Ekon-Inform, 2017. Larisa Yu. Korosteleva 156-160 NEW RELEASES New Releases, 2017 161-163 INDEX, 2017 INDEX, 2017 164-166