Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii) 2017, No 23 Тopic of the Issue To the methodology of scientific research Khaliy I.A. Presenting This Issue. P. 9-12 The Theme of the Issue: To the methodology of scientific research Vozmitel A.A. The conceptual foundations for the sociology of lifestyle. P. 13-44 Эндрюшко А. А. Theoretical approaches towards examining the adaptation of migrants to the host society: foreign practices. P. 45-70 Filippova Alexandra Gennadievna, Vysotzkaya Aliona Valer`evna The method for imitation model structuring (Using the unified state exam average score in Russian regions as an example). P. 71-89 Ecological education in modern Russia Ivanova L.V. Ecological studies and education in the name of stable development in Russian schools: present and future. P. 90-112 Oreshkina Tatiana Anatolievna Ecological competences in the structure of educational programs in high-schools. P. 113-123 Values and their carriers Vinokourova Anna Victorovna Value orientations among families of Dagestan origin in Primorye. P. 124-137 Problems of demography Ossinsky Ivan Iosifovitch Buryatia’s demographic development. P. 138-158