SOTSIOLOGICHESKIJ ZHURNAL (SOCIOLOGICAL JOURNAL) 2018. Vol. 24. No.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS THEORY AND METHODOLOGY Outer Space as a Sociological Frontier Evgeniya G. Nim 8-27 SURVEYS, EXPERIMENTS, CASE STUDIES Economic development, education, and terrorism: A quantitative analysis Ilya A. Vaskin, Sergey V. Tsirel, Andrey V. Korotayev 28-65 Motive-analysis of TV-Advertising Visual Content Ekaterina V. Bataeva, Yulia A. Polyakova 66-89 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY The Structure of Political Trust in Russia: Performance and Fairness of Political Institution Dmitriy F. Terin 90-109 SOCIOLOGY OF FAMILY Changes in Family Formation Trajectories among Russians and Factors for such Changes Alena V. Artamonova 110-134 SOCIOLOGY OF YOUTH Social Competitiveness: Chances for Success among Youth and Adults Valentin G. Nemirovskiy, Anna V. Nemirovskaya 135-149 HISTORY OF SOCIOLOGY History of the Institute of Sociology of the RAS in Biographies and Recollections Boris Z. Doktorov 150-159 Ferdinand Toennies and Pitirim Sorokin: Some Clarifcation when it Comes to Scientifc Collaborations between Classical Sociologists Nikolay A. Golovin 160-177 REVIEWS, SUMMARIES [Rev.] The Social Phenomenon of Interethnic Tension Svetlana V. Ryzhova 178-188 NEW RELEASES New Releases 189-191