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Сортировка по году издания: убыванию | возрастанию | по дате ввода

  1. Khabibullina, A. Aleksandrova, E. Gerry, C.J. и др.
    (2022) Khabibullina, A./Хабибуллина, А.Р., Aleksandrova, E., Gerry, C.J. / Герри К.Дж., Vlassov, V. First Population Norms for the EQ-5D-3L in the Russian Federation. PloS one, 17(3).
  2. Aistov, A.V. Aleksandrova, Е. Gerry, C.J.
    (2021) Aistov, A.V./Аистов, А.В., Aleksandrova, Е./Александрова, Е.А.& Gerry, C.J. / Герри К.Дж. Voluntary private health insurance, health-related behaviours and health outcomes: evidence from Russia. European Journal of Health Economics. 22(1), 281-309.
  3. Aleksandrova, Е. Albaeva, V.I. Gerry, C.J.
    (2021) Aleksandrova, Е./Александрова, Е.А., Albaeva, V.I.& Gerry, C.J. / Герри К.Дж. The Effect of Health Shocks on Labour Market Outcomes in Russia. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 45(6), 1319-1336.
  4. Gerry, C.J. Kaneva, M.
    (2021) Gerry, C.J., Kaneva, M. . Adapting to the Challenges of Chronic Non-communicable Diseases: Evidence from Russia. Applied Research Quality Life, 16: 1537–1553. DOI:
  5. Aleksandrova, Е. Bagranova, V. Gerry, C.J.
    (2020) Aleksandrova, E., Bagranova, V., & Gerry, C. J. . The Effect of Health Shocks on Labour Market Outcomes in Russia. Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP, 237.
  6. Aleksandrova, Е. Bagranova, V. Gerry, C.J.
    (2020) Aleksandrova, Е./Александрова, Е.А., Bagranova, V.& Gerry, C.J. / Герри К.Дж. The Effect Of Health Shocks On Labour Market Outcomes In Russia. Economics/EC. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, .
  7. Канева, М.А. Герри, К.Дж. Байдин, В.М.
    (2019) Канева М. А., Герри К. Дж., Байдин В. М. 2019. Возрастные разницы в самооценке здоровья россиян. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Менеджмент 18 (4): 563-587. DOI:
  8. Kaneva, M. Gerry, C.J. Baidin, V.
    (2018) Kaneva, M., Gerry, C. J., Baidin, V. . The Effect of Chronic Conditions and Multi-morbidity on Self-assessed Health in Russia. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. DOI: https://doi.org/
  9. Gerry, C.J. Quirmbach, D.
    (2016) Gerry, C.J. , Quirmbach, D. Gender, Education and Russia’s Tobacco Epidemic: A Life-course Approach. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 160, July 2016, Pages 54-66, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.05.008 
  10. Platts, L.G. Gerry, C.J.
    (2016) Platts, L. G., & Gerry, C. J. . Social Inequalities in Self-rated Health in Ukraine in 2007: the Role of Psychosocial, Material and Behavioural Factors. The European Journal of Public Health, ckw143.
  11. Gerry, C.J. Papadopoulos, G.
    (2015) Gerry, C.J. / Герри К.Дж., & Papadopoulos, G. Sample Attrition in the RLMS, 2001–10. Lessons for Longitudinal Analysis and an Application in Health. Economics of Transition, 23(2), 425-468.
  12. Gerry, C.J. Li, C.A.
    (2010) Gerry, C.J. / Герри К.Дж., & Li, C.A. Consumption Smoothing and Vulnerability in Russia. Applied Economics, 42(16), 1995-2007.
  13. Gerry, C.J. Nivorozhkin, E. Rigg, J.A.
    (2008) Gerry, C.J. / Герри К.Дж., Nivorozhkin, E.& Rigg, J.A. The Great Divide: «Ruralisation» of Poverty in Russia. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32(4), 593-607.
  14. Gerry, C.J. Byung-Yeon, K. Li, C.A.
    (2004) Gerry, C.J. / Герри К.Дж., Byung-Yeon, K.& Li, C.A. The Gender Wage Gap and Wage Arrears in Russia: Evidence from the RLMS. Journal of Population Economics, 17(2), 267-288.