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  1. Permyakova, N.V. Billingsley, S.
    (2018) Permyakova, N. V., S. Billingsley. . Men's Health and Co-residence with Older Generations in Russia: Better or Worse? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 72 (3):179-184. DOI:
  2. Billingsley, S.
    (2012) Billingsley, S. Intergenerational Mobility and Mortality in Russia: Short and Longer-term Effects. Social Science & Medicine, 75(12), 2326-2336.
  3. Billingsley, S.
    (2011) Billingsley, S. Economic Crisis and Recovery: Changes in Second Birth Rates within Occupational Classes and Educational Groups. Demographic Research, 24, , 375-405.
  4. Billingsley, S.
    (2009) Billingsley, S. Downward Mobility, Unemployment and Mortality. MPIDR Working Papers WP-2009-015, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany. 2009.