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  1. Brainerd, E.
    (2021) Brainerd, E. Mortality in Russia Since the Fall of the Soviet Union. Comp Econ Stud 63, 557–576.
  2. Brainerd, E.
    (2016) Brainerd, E. . The Lasting Effect of Sex Ratio Imbalance on Marriage and Family: Evidence from World War II in Russia. IZA Discussion Papers .No. 10130.
  3. Brainerd, E.
    (2010) Brainerd, E. Reaccessing the Standard of Living in the Soviet Union: An Analysis Using Archival and Anthropometric Data. The Journal of Economic History, 70(1), 83-117.
  4. Brainerd, E. Cutler, D.M.
    (2005) Brainerd, E., & Cutler, D.M. Autopsy on an Empire: Understanding Mortality in Russia and the Former Soviet Union. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19(1), 107-130.
  5. Brainerd, E.
    (2000) Brainerd, E. 2000. Autopsy on an Empire: Understanding Mortality in the Former Soviet Union. Mimeo.
  6. Brainerd, E.
    (2000) Brainerd, E. Women in Transition: Changes in Gender Wage Differentials in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Industrial & Labor Relations Review. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 54(1), 138-162.