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  1. Graham, C.
    (2012) Graham, C. The pursuit of happiness: an economy of well-being. Washington D.C.: Brookings Instution Press, .
  2. Eggers, A. Gaddy, C. Graham, C.
    (2006) Eggers, A., Gaddy, C.& Graham, C. Well-Being and Unemployment in Russia in the 1990s: Can Society's Suffering Be Individuals’ Solace?. Journal of Socio-Economics, 35(2), 209-242.
  3. Graham, C. Eggers, С.A. Sukhtankar, S.
    (2006) Graham, C., A. Eggers, and S. Sukhtankar. 2006. Happiness Pays: An Analysis of Well-Being, Income, and Health Based on Russian Panel Data. In Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research in Sociology and Economics, ed. By S. L. Morgan, D. B. Grusky and G. S. Fields. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
  4. Graham, C.
    (2005) Graham, C. Insights on Development from the Economics of Happiness. World Bank Research Observer, 20(2), 201-231.
  5. Graham, C.
    (2004) Graham, C. 2004. Assessing the Impact of Globalization on Poverty and Inequality: A New Lens on an Old Puzzle. In Brookings Trade Forum 2004: Globalization, Poverty, and Inequality, ed. By S. M. Collins and C. Graham. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution.
  6. Graham, C. Eggers, С.A. Sukhtankar, S.
    (2004) Graham, C., Eggers, С.A.& Sukhtankar, S. Does Happiness Pay? An Exploration Based on Panel Data from Russia. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 55(3), 319-342.
  7. Graham, C.
    (2002) Graham, C. Mobility, Opportunity and Vulnerability: The Dynamics of Poverty and Inequality in a Global Economy. Journal of Human Development, 3(1), 57-94.
  8. Graham, C. Pettinato, S.
    (2002) Graham, C., & Pettinato, S. Frustrated Achievers: Winners, Losers, and Subjectie Well Being in New Market Economies. The Journal of Development Studies, 38(4), 100-140.
  9. Graham, C. Pettinato, S.
    (2002) Graham, C., Pettinato, S. 2002. Happiness and Hardship: Opportunity and Insecurity in New Market Economies. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution Press.
  10. Graham, C.
    (2001) Graham, C. 2001. Stemming the Backlash Against Globalization. Brookings Policy Brief78. April 2001.
  11. Graham, C.
    (2001) Graham, C. Winners and Losers: Perspectives on Globalization from the Emerging Market Economies. The Brookings Review, 19(4), 22-25.
  12. Graham, C. Pettinato, S.
    (2001) Graham, C., & Pettinato, S. Happiness, Markets, and Democracy: Latin America in Comparative Perspective. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2(3), 237-268.
  13. Birdsall, N. Graham, C. Pettinato, S.
    (2000) Birdsall, N., Graham, C., Pettinato, S. 2000. Stuck in the Tunnel: Have New Markets Muddled the Middle? Center on Social and Economic Dynamics. Working Paper Series No.14 (May). The Brookings Institution. Washington, D.C.