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  1. Burggraf, C. Kuhn, L. Zhao, Q
    (2015) Burggraf, C., Kuhn, L.& Zhao, Q Nutrition Transition in Two Emerging Countries: A Comparison Between China and Russia. 2015 Conference of International Association of Agricultural Economists. International Association of Agricultural Economists, 211375.
  2. Burggraf, C. Kuhn, L. Zhao, Q и др.
    (2014) Burggraf, C., Kuhn, L., Zhao, Q, Glauben, T., & Teuber, R. Economic Growth and Nutrition Transition: an Empirical Analysis Comparing Demand Elasticities for Foods in China and Russia. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(6), 1008-1022.
  3. Burggraf, C. Kuhn, L. Zhao, Q и др.
    (2014) Burggraf, C., Kuhn, L., Zhao, Q., Glauben, T., & Teuber, R. . Economic Growth and Nutrition Transition: an Empirical Analysis Comparing Demand Elasticities for Foods in China and Russia. Paper prepared for presentation at the EAAE 2014 Congress ‘Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies’.
  4. Kuhn, R. Stillman, S.
    (2004) Kuhn, R., & Stillman, S. Understanding Interhousehold Transfers in a Transition Economy: Evidence from Russia. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 53(1), 131-156.