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  1. Maleeva, V.
    (2022) Maleeva, V. Essays on the Economics of Migration, Inequalities, and Culture. Doctoral Thesis (Business & economic sciences: Social economics). University du Luxembourg.
  2. Maleeva, V. Joxhe, M. Zanaj, S.
    (2020) Maleeva, V., Joxhe, M., & Zanaj, S. . Poverty in Russia: the Role of the Marital Status and Gender. CREA Discussion Paper Series 20-16, Center for Research in Economic Analysis, University of Luxembourg. URL: https://orbilu.uni.lu/bitstream/10993/43263/1/2020-16%20Poverty%20in%20Russia%20-%20the%20Role%20of%20the%20Marital%20Status%20and%20Gender.pdf
  3. Ivanova, A. Keen, M. Kleem, A.
    (2005) Ivanova, A., Keen, M.& Kleem, A. The Russian 'Flat Tax' Reform. Economic Policy, 20(43), 397-444.
  4. Forey, B. Hamling, J. Lee, P. и др.
    (2002) Forey, B., Hamling, J., Lee, P., and Wald, N., eds. 2002. International Smoking Statistics: A collection of historical data from thirty economically developed countries. Second Ed., Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine: London.