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  1. Perlman, F. Balabanova, D.C.
    (2011) Perlman, F., & Balabanova, D.C./Балабанова, Д. Prescription for Change: Accessing Medication in Russia. Health Policy & Planning, 26(6), 453-463.
  2. Perlman, F.
    (2010) Perlman, F. Drinking in transition: trends in alcohol consumption in Russia 1994-2004. BMC Public Health, 10(1), 691-703.
  3. Perlman, F. Bobak, M.
    (2009) Perlman, F., & Bobak, M. Assessing the Contribution of Unstable Employment to Mortality in Posttransition Russia: Prospective Individual-level analyses from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey. American Journal of Public Health, 99(10), 1818-1825.
  4. Perlman, F. McKee, M.
    (2009) Perlman, F., & McKee, M. Diabetes during the Russian Transition. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 80(2), 305-313.
  5. Perlman, F. McKee, M.
    (2009) Perlman, F., & McKee, M. Trends in Family Planning in Russia 1994-2003, 41(1), 40-50.
  6. Perlman, F. Bobak, M.
    (2008) Perlman, F., & Bobak, M. Determinants of self rated health and mortality in Russia - are they the same? International Journal of Equity and Health (BMC), 7(19).
  7. Perlman, F. Bobak, M.
    (2008) Perlman, F., & Bobak, M. Socioeconomic and Behavioral Determinants of Mortality in Posttransition Russia: A Prospective Population Study. Annals of Epidemiology, 18(2), 92-100.
  8. Perlman, F. Bobak, M. Gilmore, A. и др.
    (2008) Perlman, F., Bobak, M., Gilmore, A., McKee M. Trends in the Prevalence of Smoking in Russia during the Transition to a Market Economy. Tobacco control, 16(5), 299-305.