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  1. Platts, L.G. Glaser, K.
    (2024) Platts, L.G., & Glaser, K. Returns to work following retirement in Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom. Work, Aging and Retirement, waae005.
  2. Platts, L.G. Glaser, K.
    (2017) Platts, L.G., & Glaser, K. Predictors of Returns to Work Following Retirement in Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom. Innovation in Aging, 1.
  3. Platts, L.G. Gerry, C.J.
    (2016) Platts, L. G., & Gerry, C. J. . Social Inequalities in Self-rated Health in Ukraine in 2007: the Role of Psychosocial, Material and Behavioural Factors. The European Journal of Public Health, ckw143.
  4. Platts, L.G.
    (2015) Platts, L.G. A Prospective Analysis of Labour Market Status and Self-rated Health in the UK and Russia. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 23(2), 343-370.