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  1. Richter, K.
    (2006) Richter, K. The Well-Being of the Elderly and Wage Arrears in Russia. Journal of the European Economic Association, 4(1), 116-152.
  2. Richter, K.
    (2006) Richter, K. Wage Arrears and Economic Voting in Russia. American Political Science Review, 100(1), 116-152.
  3. Jensen, R.T. Richter, K.
    (2004) Jensen, R.T., & Richter, K. The Health Implications of Social Security Failure: Evidence from the Russian Pension Crisis. Journal of Public Economics, 88(44228), 209-236.
  4. Jensen, R.T. Richter, K.
    (2001) Jensen, R.T., & Richter, K. Understanding the Relationship between Poverty and Children's Health. European Economic Review, 45(44351), 1031-1039.