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  1. Benzeval, M. Crossley, T.F. Aguirre, E.
    (2023) Benzeval, M., Crossley, T.F.& Aguirre, E. A symposium on Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study: introduction. Fiscal Studies (317-340), 44.
  2. Neufeld, M. Wittchen, H. Ross, L.E. и др.
    (2019) Neufeld, M., Wittchen, H., Ross, L.E. et al. Perception of alcohol policies by consumers of unrecorded alcohol - an exploratory qualitative interview study with patients of alcohol treatment facilities in Russia. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 14, 53. DOI:
  3. Klimova, A. Ross, R.
    (2012) Klimova, A., & Ross, R. Gender-based Occupational Segregation in Russia: an Empirical Study. International Journal of Social Economics, 39(7), 474-489.