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  1. Nikoloski, Z. Shkolnikov, V.M. Mossialos, E.
    (2023) Nikoloski, Z., Shkolnikov, V.M./Школьников, В.М.& Mossialos, E. Preventable mortality in the Russian Federation: a retrospective, regional level study. The Lancet Regional Health, Europe, 29.
  2. Danilova, I. Shkolnikov, V.M. Andreev, E.M. и др.
    (2020) Danilova, I., Shkolnikov, V.M., Andreev, E. and Leon, D.A. . The Changing Relation between Alcohol and Life Expectancy in Russia in 1965–2017. Drug Alcohol Review, 39, 790-796. DOI:
  3. Shkolnikov, V.M. Churilova, E. Jdanov, D.A. и др.
    (2020) Shkolnikov, V. M., Churilova, E., Jdanov, D. A., Shalnova, S. A., Nilssen, O., Kudryavtsev, A., Cook, S., Malyutina, S., McKee, M., & Leon, D. A. . Time Trends in Smoking in Russia in the Light of Recent Tobacco Control Measures: Synthesis of Evidence from Multiple Sources. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 378.
  4. Школьников, В.М. Андреев, Е.М. Макки, М. и др.
    (2014) Школьников, В.М./Shkolnikov, V.M., Андреев, Е.М./Andreev, E.M., Макки, М., Леон Д.А. Рост продолжительности жизни в России 2000-х годов. Демографическое обозрение, 1(2), 5-37.
  5. Shkolnikov, V.M. Andreev, E.M. McKee, M. и др.
    (2013) Shkolnikov, V.M./Школьников, В.М., Andreev, E.M./Андреев, Е.М., McKee, M., Leon D.A. Components and Possible Determinants of the Decrease in Russian Mortality in 2004-2010. Demographic Research, 28, 917-949.
  6. Shkolnikov, V.M. Andreev, E.M. McKee, M. и др.
    (2013) Shkolnikov, V.M./Школьников, В.М., Andreev, E.M./Андреев, Е.М., McKee, M., Leon, D.A. Components and possible determinants of decrease in Russian mortality in 2004-2010. Demographic Research, 28, 917-925.
  7. Leon, D.A. McKee, M. Shkolnikov, V.M.
    (2009) Leon, D.A., McKee, M.& Shkolnikov, V.M./Школьников, В.М. Alcohol and Russian mortality: a continuing crisis. Addiction, 104(10), 1630-1636.
  8. Shkolnikov, V.M. Andreev, E.M. Anson, J. и др.
    (2004) Shkolnikov, V.M./Школьников, В.М., Andreev, E.M./Андреев, Е.М., Anson, J., Mesle, F. The Peculiar Pattern of Mortality of Jews in Moscow, 1993-95. Population Studies, 58(3), 311-329.
  9. Shkolnikov, V.M. Andreev, E.M. Leon, D.A. и др.
    (2004) Shkolnikov, V.M./Школьников, В.М., Andreev, E.M./Андреев, Е.М., Leon, D.A., McKee M., Mesle F., Vallin J. Mortality Reversal in Russia: The Story So Far. Hygiea Internationalis, 4(4), 29-80.
  10. Andreev, E.M. McKee, M. Shkolnikov, V.M.
    (2003) Andreev, E.M./Андреев, Е.М., McKee, M.& Shkolnikov, V.M./Школьников, В.М. Health Expectancy in the Russian Federation: A New Perspective on the Health Divide in Europe. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 81(11), 778-787.
  11. Shkolnikov, V.M. McKee, M. Leon, D.A.
    (2001) Shkolnikov, V.M./Школьников, В.М., McKee, M.& Leon, D.A. Changes in Life Expectancy in Russia in the Mid-1990s. Lancet, 357(9260), 917-921.