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  1. Tovar-Garcia, E.D.
    (2022) Tovar-Garcia, E.D. Religiosity and Entrepreneurship in Post-Soviet Russia. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, Available online 2022-09-22.
  2. Tovar-Garcia, E.D.
    (2021) Tovar-Garc?a, E. D. . Participation in Sports, Physical Exercise, and Wage Income: Evidence from Russian longitudinal data. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 51, 333-343. DOI: https://doi.org/
  3. Tovar-Garcia, E.D.
    (2021) Tovar-Garcia, E. D. . The Associations of Different Types of Sports and Exercise with Health Status and Diseases: Evidence from Russian Longitudinal Data. Sport Sciences for Health, 17, 687-697. DOI:
  4. Tovar-Garcia, E.D.
    (2018) Tovar-Garcia, E.D. The Association between Sport Activities and Educational Achievements: Evidence from Russian Longitudinal Data. Вопросы образования. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2, 46-70.
  5. Tovar-Garcia, E.D.
    (2017) Tovar-Garcia, E.D. . Migration Background and Educational Achievements in Russia. In: Migraciones Internacionales, Vol. 9, N?m. 1.
  6. Kamaev, A. Tovar-Garcia, E.D.
    (2016) Kamaev, A., Tovar Garc?a, E. D. Educational Achievements of Migrant Schoolchildren in Moscow. Moscow. URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-46748-7
  7. Tovar-Garcia, E.D. Kamaev, A.
    (2013) Tovar-Garc?a, Е., Kamaev, A. Educational Achievements Of Migrant Schoolchildren In Moscow //XVII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества. Кн. 4/ отв. ред. Е. Г. Ясин. М. : Изд. Дом ВШЭ, 2017. С. 303-310.
  8. Tovar-Garcia, E.D.
    (2013) Tovar-Garcia, E.D. Determinants of Educational Outcomes in Yaroslavl, Russia, 15(2), 100-114.