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  1. Gustafsson, B. Nivorozhkina, L.I. Wan, H.
    (2021) Gustafsson, B., Nivorozhkina, L., Wan, H. . Working Beyond the Normal Retirement Age in Urban China and Urban Russia. IZA DP No. 14294
  2. Wang, J. Li, B.
    (2020) Wang, J., & Li, B. . Does Employer Learning with Statistical Discrimination Exist in China? Evidence from Chinese Micro Survey Data. International Review of Economics & Finance, 69, 319-333. DOI:
  3. Gustafsson, B. Nivorozhkina, L.I. Wan, H.
    (2017) Gustafsson, B., Nivorozhkina, L., Wan, H. . Work after the statutory pension age in urban China and urban Russia. 9th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets, Central University of Finance and Economics, December 8–9, Beijing, Ch
  4. Zhang, X. Hwang, S.-S.
    (2007) Zhang, X., & Hwang, S.-S. The Micro Consequences of Macro-Level Social Transition: How Did Russians Survive in the 1990s?. Social Indicators Research, 82(2), 337-360.
  5. Fleisher, B. Sabirianova, Peter, K. Wang, X.
    (2005) Fleisher, B., Sabirianova, Peter, K./Сабирьянова Питер, К.З.& Wang, X. Returns to Skills and the Speed of Reforms: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, China, and Russia. Journal of Comparative Economics, 33, 351-370.
  6. Wang, Y. Wang, J.Q.
    (2002) Wang, Y., & Wang, J.Q. A Comparison of International References for the Assessment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity in Different Populations. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 56(10), 973-982.
  7. Adair, L.S. Wang, Y.
    (2001) Adair, L.S., & Wang, Y. How Does Maturity Adjustment Influence the Estimates of Overweight Prevalence in Adolescents from Different Countries Using an International Reference? International Journal of Obesity, 25(4), 550-558.
  8. Wang, Y.
    (2001) Wang, Y. Cross-National Comparison of Childhood Obesity: The Epidemic and the Relationship between Obesity and Socioeconomic Status. International Journal of Epidemiology, 30, 1129-1136.