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  1. Wang, J. Li, B.
    (2020) Wang, J., & Li, B. . Does Employer Learning with Statistical Discrimination Exist in China? Evidence from Chinese Micro Survey Data. International Review of Economics & Finance, 69, 319-333. DOI:
  2. Zhang, X. Hwang, S.-S.
    (2007) Zhang, X., & Hwang, S.-S. The Micro Consequences of Macro-Level Social Transition: How Did Russians Survive in the 1990s?. Social Indicators Research, 82(2), 337-360.
  3. Fleisher, B. Sabirianova, Peter, K. Wang, X.
    (2005) Fleisher, B., Sabirianova, Peter, K./Сабирьянова Питер, К.З.& Wang, X. Returns to Skills and the Speed of Reforms: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, China, and Russia. Journal of Comparative Economics, 33, 351-370.
  4. Wang, Y. Wang, J.Q.
    (2002) Wang, Y., & Wang, J.Q. A Comparison of International References for the Assessment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity in Different Populations. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 56(10), 973-982.
  5. Adair, L.S. Wang, Y.
    (2001) Adair, L.S., & Wang, Y. How Does Maturity Adjustment Influence the Estimates of Overweight Prevalence in Adolescents from Different Countries Using an International Reference? International Journal of Obesity, 25(4), 550-558.
  6. Wang, Y.
    (2001) Wang, Y. Cross-National Comparison of Childhood Obesity: The Epidemic and the Relationship between Obesity and Socioeconomic Status. International Journal of Epidemiology, 30, 1129-1136.