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  1. Lehmann, H. Zaiceva, A.
    (2015) Lehmann, H. / Леман, Х., & Zaiceva, A. Redefining Informality and Measuring its Determinants: Evidence from the Russian Labour Market. Journal of International Development, 27(4), 464-488.
  2. Lehmann, H. Zaiceva, A.
    (2013) Lehmann, H., & Zaiceva, A. . Informal Employment in Russia: Incidence, Determinants and Labor Market Segmentation. Universita di Bologna. Working Paper DSE N°903.
  3. Lehmann, H. Zaiceva, A.
    (2013) Lehmann, H., & Zaiceva, A. . Re-defining Informal Employment and Measuring its Determinants: Evidence from Russia (No. 7844). IZA Discussion Paper.
  4. Lehmann, H. Razzolini, Е. Zaiceva, A.
    (2012) Lehmann, H., Razzolini, T., Zaiceva A. Job Separations, Job Loss and Informality in the Russian Labor Market. WP3/2012/01. – Moscow: Publishing House of the University – Higher School of Economics, 2012.