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  1. Zohoori, N. Blanchette, D. Popkin, B.M.
    (2005) Zohoori, N., D. Blanchette, and B. M. Popkin. 2005. Monitoring Health Conditions in the Russian Federation: The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-2004. Report submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development. Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  2. Zohoori, N. Blanchette, D. Popkin, B.M.
    (2004) Zohoori, N., D. Blanchette, and B. M. Popkin. 2004. Monitoring Health Conditions in the Russian Federation: The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-2003. Report. Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center
  3. Zohoori, N. Blanchette, D. Popkin, B.M.
    (2003) Zohoori, N., D. Blanchette, and B. M. Popkin. 2003. Monitoring Health Conditions in the Russian Federation: The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-2002. Report. Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center.
  4. Zohoori, N. Gleiter, K. Popkin, B.M.
    (2002) Zohoori, N., K. Gleiter, and B.M. Popkin. 2002. Monitoring Health Conditions in the Russian Federation: The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-2001. Report. Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center.
  5. Zohoori, N. Gleiter, K. Popkin, B.M.
    (2001) Zohoori, N., K. Gleiter, and B.M. Popkin. 2001. Monitoring Health Conditions in the Russian Federation: The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-2000. Report. Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center.
  6. Zohoori, N.
    (2001) Zohoori, N./Зохури, Н. Nutrition and Healthy Functioning in the Developing World. Journal of Nutrition, 131(8), 2429-2432.
  7. Zohoori, N. Henderson, L. Gleiter, K. и др.
    (1999) Zohoori, N., L. Henderson, K. Gleiter, and B.M. Popkin. 1999. Monitoring Health Conditions in the Russian Federation: The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-98. Report. Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center.
  8. Zohoori, N. Mroz, T.A. Popkin, B.M. и др.
    (1998) Zohoori, N./Зохури, Н., Mroz, T.A., Popkin, B.M., Glinskaya, E., Lokshin, M., Mancini,D., Kozyreva, P., Kosolapov, M., Swafford, M. Monitoring the Economic Transition in the Russian Federation and Its Implications for the Demographic Crisis. World Development, 26(11), 1977-1993.
  9. Мартинчик, А.Н. Батурин, А.К. Зохури, Н.
    (1998) Мартинчик, А.Н./Martinchik, A.N., Батурин, А.К./Baturin, A.K.& Зохури, Н./Zohoori, N. Фактическое потребление энергии и основных пищевых веществ детьми и подростками России в середине 90-х годов. Профилактика заболеваний и укрепление здоровья, 3.
  10. Popkin, B.M. Kohlmeier, L. Zohoori, N. и др.
    (1997) Popkin, B.M., Kohlmeier, L., Zohoori, N., Baturin, A., Martinchik, A., Deev, A. 1997. Nutritional Risk Factors in the Former Soviet Union. Premature In Death in the New Independent States. Bobadilla, J.-L., Costello, C., Mitchell, F., eds. Committee on Population, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council. Washington DC: Academy Press.
  11. Zohoori, N.
    (1997) Zohoori, N./Зохури, Н. Recent Patterns of Alcohol Consumption in the Russian Elderly, 1992-1996. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 66(4), 810-814.
  12. Popkin, B.M. Zohoori, N. Baturin, A.K.
    (1996) Popkin, B.M., Zohoori, N./Зохури, Н.& Baturin, A.K./Батурин, А.К. The Nutritional Status of the Elderly in Russia, 1992 through 1994. American Journal of Public Health, 86(3), 355-360.
  13. Entwisle, B. Kozyreva, P.M. Zohoori, N. и др.
    (1995) Entwisle, B, Kozyreva, P., Zohoori, N., Cross, C. 1995. Family Planning and Abortion in the Russian Federation. The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-94. 3,Chapel Hill, NC: Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.