Shmerlina, I.A. Sociology of social forms: theory reassembly: [monograph] Shmerlina, I.A. Sociology of social forms: theory reassembly: [monograph] / I. A. Shmerlina; FNISC RAS. - M.: FNISTs RAN, 2022. - 157 p. URL: 978-5-89697-396-6DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-396-6.2022Posted on site: 18.11.22Текст книги.AbstractThe book is devoted to the reconstruction and conceptual development of formal sociology, a trend commonly associated in the history of sociology with G. Simmel and actually limited to him. It shows the paradoxical role of F. Tennys, considered to be the founder of the formal tradition, as well as the formal contributions of other authors and movements - G. D. Gurvich, N. Elias, H. Fryer, representatives of the actor-network theory of B. Latour and J. Lo. Latour and J. Lo, R. Bhaskar, M. Mamardashvili. The formal approach to the analysis of social phenomena, which emphasizes the moments of stability, structure and invariance, is understood against the background of the opposite, procedural trend, which asserts the fluidity, instability and permanent variability of social being. Having thoroughly scrutinised the groundwork of previous 'formal' thought the author offers his original conception of social form as a relational-semiotic phenomenon typologically represented in two basic varieties - ethological form and the form of a social institution. The work is based on a non-subjective methodology and an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of social phenomena that takes into account the natural forms of sociality. In this respect, it continues the research initiated by the author in the monograph Biological Dimensions of Sociality. The work is aimed at social theorists working on issues of ontology and methodology of social cognition, in the field of institutional analysis, as well as those with a focused interest in the problematic of the transformed form. On the historical and sociological side, it will be useful to students of sociology, and on the conceptual side, it will be of interest to intellectuals reflecting on the structure of social being. Translated with (free version) The book is devoted to the reconstruction and conceptual development of formal sociology, a trend commonly associated in the history of sociology with G. Simmel and actually limited to him. It shows the paradoxical role of F. Tennys, considered to be the founder of the formal tradition, as well as the formal contributions of other authors and movements - G. D. Gurvich, N. Elias, H. Fryer, representatives of the actor-network theory of B. Latour and J. Lo. Latour and J. Lo, R. Bhaskar, M. Mamardashvili. The formal approach to the analysis of social phenomena, which emphasizes the moments of stability, structure and invariance, is understood against the background of the opposite, procedural trend, which asserts the fluidity, instability and permanent variability of social being. Having thoroughly scrutinised the groundwork of previous 'formal' thought the author offers his original conception of social form as a relational-semiotic phenomenon typologically represented in two basic varieties - ethological form and the form of a social institution. The work is based on a non-subjective methodology and an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of social phenomena that takes into account the natural forms of sociality. In this respect, it continues the research initiated by the author in the monograph Biological Dimensions of Sociality. The work is aimed at social theorists working on issues of ontology and methodology of social cognition, in the field of institutional analysis, as well as those with a focused interest in the problematic of the transformed form. On the historical and sociological side, it will be useful to students of sociology, and on the conceptual side, it will be of interest to intellectuals reflecting on the structure of social being.Translated with (free version)Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Содержание Введение........................................................................................................ 6 1. Обзор теоретических ресурсов............................................................. 23 1.1. “Социальная форма” в пространстве дилеммы номинализма/реализма .................23 1.1.1. “Фигурация людей” Н. Элиаса – живая конкретика инвариантных форм ......................23 1.1.2. “Форма” Г. Зиммеля – интуиция социальной геометрии ...............................26 1.1.3. “Социальная форма” Х. Фрайера – воплощение объективного духа ..................................35 1.1.4. “Социальная форма” в логике реалистской методологии: основные аргументы ................................................38 1.2. Реляционная онтология и разрушение социальной формы .....42 1.2.1. Отношения vs субстанция ..........................................42 1.2.2. Форма: коннотации структуры ..................................45 1.2.3. Форма vs сеть-поток .................................................47 1.3. Возвращение формы...........................................................52 1.3.1. Форма – момент устойчивости в потоке трансформаций ...52 1.3.2. Инвариантные структуры взаимодействий ..................57 2. Концептуальная пересборка ................................................................ 63 2.1. Форма как реляционно-семиотический феномен ...................63 2.1.1. «Нетранзитивные структуры», диспозиции и позиции....64 2.1.2. Семиотический модус существования формы ...............67 2.1.3. Границы как проблема удержания формы ...................73 2.1.4. Превращённая форма.................................................75 2.2. Типология социальных форм...............................................81 2.2.1. Базовые (этологические) и институциональные формы....83 2.2.2. Социальные формы как проблема микро- макроуровня взаимодействий ....................... 106 2.2.3. Врождённые/благоприобретённые, персонифицированные/обезличенные, проксимальные/дистальные социальные формы......... 110 Заключение .............................................................................................. 115 Примечания.............................................................................................. 118 Список литературы.................................................................................. 139 Сведения об авторе ................................................................................. 156