Korosteleva L.Yu. (2023) Development of Russian Science Cities: Monitoring Problems. Theory and Practice of Social Development. (9), 61–69. Korosteleva L.Yu. (2023) Development of Russian Science Cities: Monitoring Problems. Theory and Practice of Social Development. (9), 61–69. ISSN 1815-4964DOI 10.24158/tipor.2023.9.7РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54618890Posted on site: 09.10.23Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/bVGY6EwJClDnBQ (дата обращения 09.10.2023)AbstractThe article is intended to raise the issue of Russian cities with the official status of “science city” according to the Federal Law “On the Status of Science City of the Russian Federation” dated April 7, 1999 № 70-FZ. The relevance is due to the strategic importance of innovation, education and science in the context of new external challenges to Russian society on the one hand, and the importance of science cities as cities with high scientific, technical and intellectual potential, a kind of centers for the development of innovative products, on the other. The institutional foundations of science cities’ activity are considered. It reveals a number of legal and managerial issues. In particular, there are problems in the mechanism of assignment/confirmation of the science city status, the terms of its prolongation, as well as difficulties associated with the development, approval and implementation of strategies for socio-economic development of science cities, limited municipal powers hampering socio-economic development. Conclusion dwells upon the fact that the inconsistency of science city managerial processes leads to the fact that the socio-economic effect from the implementation of strategies does not have such a noticeable impact on the social infrastructure of science cities and the well-being of the population.