Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Migration from Russia to Kyrgyzstan: demographic and sociological aspects: [monograph]

Migration from Russia to Kyrgyzstan: demographic and sociological aspects: [monograph] / G. I. Osadchaya, Sh. I. Aliyev, M. L. Vartanova [et al.] ; under the general editorship of G. I. Osadchaya; FNISTC RAS. – M. : Publishing House Ekon-Inform, 2023 – 323 p.
ISBN 978-5-907681-36-1
DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-907681-36-1.2023

Posted on site: 22.11.23

Текст книги.


The monograph is devoted to the analysis of migration processes from Russia to Kyrgyzstan in modern conditions. The paper substantiates the author 's approach to the study of migration from Russia to Kyrgyzstan, analyzes the demographic situation and demographic policy of Kyrgyzstan. The scale and causes of return migration of Kyrgyz citizens and emigration of Russians to the Kyrgyz Republic are assessed, the profile of return migrants and emigrants, socio-economic problems of reintegration and socio-economic potential of return migrants are identified. The views of the respondents about their own life opportunities are shown, life strategies, chances of success. The activities and potential of non-profit non-governmental organizations to assist returning migrants in Kyrgyzstan are revealed. The publication is intended for a wide range of researchers, university professors, doctoral students, postgraduates, undergraduates, students, as well as specialists in the field of migration management. The monograph is devoted to the analysis of migration processes from Russia toKyrgyzstan in modern conditions. The paper substantiates the author's approach to the study of migration from Russia to Kyrgyzstan, analyzesthe demographic situation and demographic policy of Kyrgyzstan.The scale and causes of return migration of Kyrgyz citizens and emigration of Russians to the Kyrgyz Republic are assessed, the profile of return migrants and emigrants, socio-economic problems of reintegration andsocio-economic potential of return migrants are identified. Theviews of the respondents about their own life opportunities are shown,life strategies, chances of success. The activities and potential of non-profit non-governmental organizations toassist returning migrants in Kyrgyzstan are revealed.The publication is intended for a wide range of researchers, university professors, doctoral students, postgraduates, undergraduates, students, aswell as specialists in the field of migration management.


, Алиев Ш.И., , , , , Омуралиев Н.А., Оставная А.Н., , Саякбаева А.А.,

Content (in russ)