Shchenina, O.G. (2024), “The possibilities of applying the methodology of topology in political science: theory and practice”, RSUH ... Shchenina, O.G. (2024), “The possibilities of applying the methodology of topology in political science: theory and practice”, RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. “Political Science. History. International Relations” Series, no. 6, pp. 158–170, DOI: 10.28995/2073-6339-2024-6-158-170ISSN 2073-6339DOI 10.28995/2073-6339-2024-6-158-170Posted on site: 30.01.25Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 30.01.2025)AbstractThe article attempts to consider the application of the methodology of topology within the context of political science. Based on the use of an interdisciplinary approach, the paper substantiates the possibility of employing the methodology of different sciences (on the example of topology) to analyze the processes and phenomena of a new social reality. It is noted that the use of topological optics for the analysis of socio-political reality makes it possible to comprehensively characterize the processes and phenomena of modern society. The methodology of topology has been successfully applied in a wide variety of fields, both from a theoretical and methodological perspective and in practice. The topological perspective of studying social and political economic processes makes it possible to consider them at multiple levels in the context of space and the forms of their manifestation. An interdisciplinary approach to the research of the political space permits to identify the new contours of political communications and political relations in networks. The online political space expands the spectrum and transforms the forms of political practices. The application of the methodological potential of topology allows scientists to identify the new models of political communications in the space of a network society. Thus, the topological dimension of the space of social communications, including political communications, expands the methodological apparatus of specialists. The topological optics of studying socio-political processes and phenomena allows researchers to carry out their qualitative analysis in the conditions of global turbulence of the modern world.