Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

However, as the principle and ideal of national life the labor of the society

However, as the principle and ideal of national life the labor of the society // PSASC. 2016. № 2 (55). С. 7-15.
ISSN 2072-6015

Posted on site: 28.10.16


The article considers philosophical and sociological concept oftruth, its existential base - work to ensure the life and development,based on the conceptual works of reputable scientists-мarxists V.Y. Elmeev and V. G. Komarov. Although in modern Russia communism was ousted from the scientific and social sphere into thesphere of people’s search for truth, the conclusions approved bythe vitality of his truth and the realization of communism in the future.