Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ayvazova S.G. Gender discourse in the field of conservative policy. Womeen in Russian society, 2017, ¹ 4, pp. 3-13

Ayvazova S.G. Gender discourse in the field of conservative policy. Womeen in Russian society, 2017, ¹ 4, pp. 3-13
ISSN 1992-2892

Posted on site: 01.12.17

Òåêñò ñòàòüè íà ñàéòå æóðíàëà URL: (Äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ 01.12.2017)


For researchers a conservative wave that covered the field of Russian politics became an impulse for reflection about what the “field” or “space” of politics is and in which way the changing political context turn into metamorphoses in normative political regulations and influential political actors’ discourse. Recently metamorphoses in gender discourse of this field became most evident in Russia. That is why the author makes an accent on the following issues: how interdependent in principle are the phenomena of “political” and “gender”; peculiarities of women’s participation in political process in the field of conservative politics; reproduction of “ontological morality” theories as a customary attribute of conservative politics that by definition is aimed at consolidating existing social hierarchies. Special attention is given to the analysis of explanatory sociological concepts by P.Bourdieu (habitus) and E.Hoffmann (display) that describe effective mechanisms of traditional socialization, that is socialization by means of symbolic violence that guarantees institutional sustainability of gender owing to formation and maintenance of certain symbols and images explaining and strengthening - and therefore - producing and reproducing the patterns of domination and submission between men and women.