Karbainov N.I. (2018) Obrazy istorii “Tyurkskoj civilizacii” v postsovetskom Tatarstane: ehlitarnye versii i massovye predstavleniya [The History of “Turkish Civilization” in post-Soviet Tatarstan: Elitist Versions and Mass Representations]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 21(2): 45–74 (in Russian). https: ... Karbainov N.I. (2018) Obrazy istorii “Tyurkskoj civilizacii” v postsovetskom Tatarstane: ehlitarnye versii i massovye predstavleniya [The History of “Turkish Civilization” in post-Soviet Tatarstan: Elitist Versions and Mass Representations]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 21(2): 45–74 (in Russian). https://doi.org/10.31119/jssa.2018.21.2.2ISSN 1029-8053DOI 10.31119/jssa.2018.21.2.2ÐÈÍÖ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35618288Posted on site: 24.10.18Òåêñò ñòàòüè íà ñàéòå æóðíàëà URL: http://jourssa.ru/sites/all/files/volumes/2018_2/Karbainov_2018_2.pdf (äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ 24.10.2018)AbstractThe article considers one of the key ideologies of the Tatar historical ideology - the “Turkic civilization”, which arose from the combination of the ideas of Pan-Turkism and the civilizational approach. When constructing the history of the Turkic civilization, the ideology of Turkism is also combined with other important ideologies of Tatar nationalism: pan-Tatarism, Islam-centrism, etc. The elite versions of the history of the Turkic civilization are translated into the mass consciousness of the inhabitants of Tatarstan through mass media, popular science and educational literature. But, despite these efforts, the images of the history of the Turkic world are not in demand and of little significance for the inhabitants of Tatarstan.