Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Trends and problems in the development of Russian political science in the global context: tradition, reception and innovation

Trends and problems in the development of Russian political science in the global context: tradition, reception and innovation. Ed.: Gaman-Golutvina O.V., Patrushev S.V. - M .: Political Encyclopedia, 2018. - 447 s.: Ill. - (Political Science of Russia).
ISBN 978-5-8243-2145-6

Posted on site: 26.09.19


The monograph reviews the formation and evolution of modern Russian political science in the institutional context and in the context of the development of world political science. A spectrum of subdisciplinaries is presented, the formation of their subject, the emergence and evolution of their Russian version are shown, the transformation of several basic concepts of political science in Russia is considered. For researchers, teachers of political science and for everyone interested in the problems of studying politics.


Айвазова С.Г., Ачкасов В.Л., Воробьев Д.М., Гаврилова М.В., Гаман-Голутвина О.В., Глухова А.В., Гуторов В.А., Дахин А.В., Коргунюк Ю.Г., Крадин Н.Н., Малинова О.Ю., Михайлова О.В., Мухарямов Н.М., Овчарова О.Г., Патрушев С.В., Попова О.В., Пушкарева Г.В., Римский В.Л., Рябова Т.Б., Смулькина Н.В., Сморгунов Л.В., Соловьев А.И., Тимофеева Л.Н., Туровский Р.Ф., Фадеева Л.А., Федорова М.М., Филиппова Л.Е., Шестопал Е.Б.
Редакторы: Гаман-Голутвина О.В., Патрушев С.В.

Content (in russ)