Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Voronkova O.A. Modern approaches to the study of virtual reality reality. In: Political relations in the era of digital technologies and network society: [collection of scientific articles] ...

Voronkova O.A. Modern approaches to the study of virtual reality reality. In: Political relations in the era of digital technologies and network society: [collection of scientific articles] / ed.: edited by O. M. Mikhailenoc – Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2020. (Consent in society as a condition for the development of Russia. Issue 6). P. 26-44.

Глава из книги: Политические отношения в эпоху цифровых технологий и сетевого общества: [сборник научных статей] / Отв. ред. О. М. Михайленок; ФНИСЦ РАН. – Москва: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2020. – 262 с. (Согласие в обществе как условие развития России. Выпуск 6).
ISBN 978-5-89697-328-7
DOI нет

Posted on site: 06.07.20



The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological approaches to research of the network public sphere. There is a development the concept of virtual reality - from its interpretation as unreal in comparison with the physical reality before the recognition of virtuality an organic part of the overall communication space. References the critical state of methodological approaches to the analysis of virtual Noy reality, as well as the possibility of updating the traditional tool mentaria of media studies in their application to an open and dynamic CE tive environment. The need for deep study of the methodology is emphasized logical approaches in order to increase their sensitivity to rapid, multidirectional and often implicit changes the nature of social and socio-political relations.