Voznesenskaya E.D. Evolution of legal regulation of extramural education in higher education. In: Part-time student and graduates of higher education: social behavior in education and the labor market: monograph ... Voznesenskaya E.D. Evolution of legal regulation of extramural education in higher education. In: Part-time student and graduates of higher education: social behavior in education and the labor market: monograph / G.A. Cherednichenko, E. D. Voznesenskaya, I. S. Kuznetsov; Exec. Ed. G.A. Cherednichenko, FCTAS RAS. – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2020. P. 21-34. URL: https://www.isras.ru/index.php?page_id=1198&id=8499 Глава из книги: Заочник высшей школы: социальное поведение в сфере образования и на рынке труда: монография / Г. А. Чередниченко, Е. Д. Вознесенская, И. С. Кузнецов; отв. ред. Г. А. Чередниченко, ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2020. – 173 с. URL: https://www.isras.ru/index.php?page_id=1198&id=8499ISBN 978-5-89697-338-6DOI нетРИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44290897Posted on site: 15.12.20 AbstractBased on the materials of legislative acts, state documents regulating the development of the higher education system, the main stages of the formation and evolution of the correspondence form of education in Russia, its modifications in the current situation, as well as the prospects for its development, which are associated with distance educational technologies, are considered.