Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About the Institute

The Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISRAS) is a leading social research institution in the Russian Federation. It was created to advance social theory, engage in fundamental social studies and provide practical counsel to better the living conditions of the Russian population.

The Institute came into existence on June 14, 1968 as a further step to expand and develop the Department of Concrete social research of the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Science.

History | Publications



Sociology of language. National and foreign languages ​​in the education system / A.L. Arefiev; edited by G.V. Osipova – 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2024 – 302 p. (Current monographs) Text: direct Arefiev Alexander Leonardovich,
Sociology of language. National and foreign languages ​​in the education system / A.L. Arefiev; edited by G.V. Osipova – 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2024 – 302 p. (Current monographs) Text: direct

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