Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Science Management: Theory and Practice


The scientific journal "Management of Science: Theory and Practice" is a practically oriented scientific publication that contains the most significant intellectual results of modern integrated research in the field of R&D in Russia, as well as the results of an analysis of the practice of public administration in the field of R&D, state scientific, technological and innovation policy.
The thematic framework of the Science Management: Theory and Practice journal covers a wide range of issues at the intersection of several disciplines, primarily sociology, philosophy, law and economics.
The issues addressed in the journal focus on:
  • analysis of socially significant functions and tasks of science in modern Russia;
  • prospects for the development of the scientific and technological sphere, science and technology complex and scientific and technological potential;
  • formation and development of science and technology policy;
  • analysis of global challenges for the development of Russian science;
  • research into the international experience of science management and its comparison with the Russian context.
The journal also pays special attention to the relationship between theory and practice in the field of science management. Thus, such topics as analysis of management decisions and forecasting risks of science management, assessment of the conceptual foundations of science and technology policy, studies of mechanisms and tools of science are of special focus in the journal, as well as examination of current and upcoming government decisions and documents. Each issue of the journal also publishes overviews of topical literature and reviews of books on related topics, information about events in academic life both in Russia and abroad, monitoring of the regulatory framework related to issues of science and technology development.
Editoral Team 

Editor-in-Chief Evgeny V. Semenov, Institute of Sociology of Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the RAS (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Executive Editor Boris N. Gaydin, Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the RAS (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Editor Natalia D. Krylova, Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the RAS (Moscow, Russian Federation)