Mishchuk S.N. The Chinese Factor in Agriculture of the Border Region in the Russian Far East: Results of Twenty Years’ Cooperation. ЕСО. 2021. No. 12. Pp. 97–119. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.30680 ... Mishchuk S.N. The Chinese Factor in Agriculture of the Border Region in the Russian Far East: Results of Twenty Years’ Cooperation. ЕСО. 2021. No. 12. Pp. 97–119. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.30680/ECO0131-7652-2021-12-97-119ISSN 0131-7652DOI 10.30680/ECO0131-7652-2021-12-97-119РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47242314Posted on site: 01.12.21Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://ecotrends.ru/index.php/eco/article/view/4356 (дата обращения 01.12.2021)AbstractAttracting foreign capital entails the use of foreign labor. Labor migrants are an important factor in the development of agriculture in the Far Eastern regions. The border position of the Jewish Autonomous Region with Heilongjiang Province (PRC) contributed to the formation of stable foreign economic relations, including in agriculture. The paper examines the processes of Russian-Chinese interaction in agriculture, demonstrating a change in the role of Chinese citizens in the development of agriculture and rural areas of the border region of the Russian Far East for the period from the late 1990-s to 2020. The Chinese citizens are represented in this region as investors, producers, workers, and farmers. The author highlights and characterizes three periods of Russian-Chinese i nteraction in the agriculture of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Attracting foreign capital entails the use of foreign labor. Labormigrants are an important factor in the development of agriculture in the Far Easternregions. The border position of the Jewish Autonomous Region with HeilongjiangProvince (PRC) contributed to the formation of stable foreign economic relations,including in agriculture. The paper examines the processes of Russian-Chineseinteraction in agriculture, demonstrating a change in the role of Chinese citizens inthe development of agriculture and rural areas of the border region of the Russian FarEast for the period from the late 1990-s to 2020. The Chinese citizens are representedin this region as investors, producers, workers, and farmers. The author highlightsand characterizes three periods of Russian-Chinese i nteraction in the agriculture ofthe Jewish Autonomous Region.