Zhuravleva I.V., Lakomova N.V. Basic desires and fears of adolescents. In: Health of adolescents and the environment: changes over 20 years: [monograph] ... Zhuravleva I.V., Lakomova N.V. Basic desires and fears of adolescents. In: Health of adolescents and the environment: changes over 20 years: [monograph] / I.V. Zhuravleva, L.Yu. Ivanova, G.A. Ivakhnenko [and others]; otv. ed. I. V. Zhuravleva; FNISTS RAS. - Moscow: 2021. P. 211-223. Глава из книги: Здоровье подростков и окружающая среда: изменения за 20 лет: [монография] / И. В. Журавлева, Л. Ю. Иванова, Г. А. Ивахненко [и др.]; отв. ред. И. В. Журавлева; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. 309 с. URL: https://www.fnisc.ru/publ.html?id=9847ISBN 978-5-89697-356-0DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-356-0.2021Posted on site: 06.12.21 AbstractThe desires and fears of adolescents are formed under the influence of existing life values. Analysis of the results of 2 studies with an interval of 20 years shows that the priority values of adolescents have not undergone significant changes - they are education, material security, family, health. As for fears and fears, fears of a global scale have significantly decreased: war, terrorism, natural disasters. But new types of physiological fears have appeared.