Vartanova M.L. Social adaptation of pupils of closed educational institutions. In: V Readings in memory of V.T. Lisovsky: Materials of Readings (Moscow, December 17, 2021) ... Vartanova M.L. Social adaptation of pupils of closed educational institutions. In: V Readings in memory of V.T. Lisovsky: Materials of Readings (Moscow, December 17, 2021) / Ed. T. K. Rostovskaya. - M.: FNISTC RAS, 2021. P. 40-45.Глава из книги: V Чтения памяти В.Т. Лисовского: Материалы Чтений (Москва, 17 декабря 2021 года) / Отв. ред. Т. К. Ростовская. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. – с. 142. URL: 978-5-8969-370-6DOI 10.19181/konf.978-5-89697-370-6.2021.7Posted on site: 09.12.21 AbstractThe complexity of the current period in the development of our society, the scale and severity of its social, cultural and economic problems determine the urgency of actively searching for optimal ways to prepare the young generation for life, the development of individuality, human needs and abilities, the formation of its orientation in life, stimulating self-realization. Of particular importance are these tasks when it comes to orphans deprived of parental support, who have acquired negative social experience, characterized by a weakening of physical and mental health, moral stability. The complexity of the current period in the development of our society, the scale and severity of its social, cultural and economic problems determine the urgency of actively searching for optimal ways to prepare the young generation for life, the development of individuality, human needs and abilities, the formation of its orientation in life, stimulating self-realization. Of particular importance are these tasks when it comes to orphans deprived of parental support, who have acquired negative social experience, characterized by aweakening of physical and mental health, moral stability.