Chernishova N.V. Reproduction of labor resources and labor mobilization of the population of the USSR in wartime conditions (1941–1945). History: facts and symbols. 2021. No. 4. P. 23-35. Chernishova N.V. Reproduction of labor resources and labor mobilization of the population of the USSR in wartime conditions (1941–1945). History: facts and symbols. 2021. No. 4. P. 23-35.ISSN 2410-4205DOI 10.24888/2410-4205-2021-29-4-23-35 РИНЦ: on site: 10.12.21 AbstractThe article is devoted to the analysis of the reproduction of labor resources in 1941–1945 and the role of labor mobilization in this process. The changes in all phases of the reproduction of labor resources during the Great Patriotic War are determined. Using information from central archives and regional studies, the author analyzes the main types of labor resources, the scale of attracting the population to work. The novelty of the research lies in the consideration of labor resources from the point of view of the economic process of reproduction of labor resources, its transformation. The researcher makes the following conclusions: firstly, the process of reproduction of labor resources was adapted to wartime conditions; secondly, labor resources was the main source of staff replenishment, which made it possible to attract about 12 million people for permanent and seasonal work.