Voronov V.V. Approaches and models of spatial development strategy management in the Central and Eastern European countries of the European Union. In: Reforming Russia: Yearbook: issue 19 ... Voronov V.V. Approaches and models of spatial development strategy management in the Central and Eastern European countries of the European Union. In: Reforming Russia: Yearbook: issue 19 / Ed. by M. K. Gorshkov; FCTAS RAS. - M.: Novy Chronograph, 2021. P. 280-301.Глава из книги: Россия реформирующаяся: ежегодник: вып. 19 / Отв. ред. М. К. Горшков; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М. : Новый Хронограф, 2021. – 488 с.ISBN 978-5-94881-513-8DOI 10.19181/ezheg.2021.12РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47312741Posted on site: 15.12.21Текст статьи.AbstractThe article considers the theoretical and applied aspects of the long-term management of the spatial development of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) at four levels of governance: European, national, regional and local within the framework of EU integration processes and administrative-territorial reforms of 2017–2019. An overview of theoretical and applied research on the main approaches and models of managing the spatial development strategy of these countries and their assessment is given. The review showed that the spatial development management strategy at the national, regional and local levels requires an integrated approach to structural changes in the CEE EU countries. This includes the consolidation of administrative and territorial units within countries; the correction of their roles, functions and interests; the strengthening of investment and human resources to ensure integration processes; the expansion of the space of common socio-cultural codes of life and behavior of multi-ethnic groups of the population of the surveyed countries, etc. The presented research results show that there is a signifi cant communication gap between the power elites of the vertical and horizontal levels in the CEE countries, which requires a strong public organization of an intermediate level of management of the balanced spatial development of society in order to deepen the internal and external integration processes of countries at different levels. It is also necessary to actively promote the interaction of public authorities at all four levels of government: European, national, regional and local, in the interests of a common goal: to promote equitable and long-term development of the entire EU space, where every citizen should have the same opportunities and accessible services, regardless of where he lives.