Nikovskaya L.I. The search for a balance of public participation in the conditions of the networkingization of municipal public policy. In: Networking of political relations in the conditions of a new reality: [monograph] ... Nikovskaya L.I. The search for a balance of public participation in the conditions of the networkingization of municipal public policy. In: Networking of political relations in the conditions of a new reality: [monograph] / O. M. Mikhaylenok, A.V. Nazarenko, V. V. Lyublinsky [et al.] ; ed. O. M. Mikhaylenok, A.V. Nazarenko ; FCTAS RAS - M. : FCTAS RAS, 2021. P. 257-278. Глава из книги: Сетевизация политических отношений в условиях новой реальности: [монография] / О. М. Михайленок, А. В. Назаренко, В. В. Люблинский [и др.] ; отв. ред. О. М. Михайленок, А. В. Назаренко ; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М. : ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. – 382 сISBN 978-589697-371-3 DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-371-3.2021РИНЦ: on site: 26.12.21 AbstractThis section analyzes the features of the formation of a network society in modern Russia, which is beginning to significantly influence the processes of state/municipal governance and public participation. This problematizes the problem of finding a balance of interests between the verticals of state/municipal management and the horizontals of public participation. The presented analysis is based on the results of sociological studies of municipal public policy in the regions of Russia.