Kornilova M.V. Social isolation as one of the risks of the elderly: a new reality and new meanings. Vestnik NSUEM. 2021. No. 4. P. 226 - 241. DOI: 10.34020 ... Kornilova M.V. Social isolation as one of the risks of the elderly: a new reality and new meanings. Vestnik NSUEM. 2021. No. 4. P. 226 - 241. DOI: 10.34020/2073-6495-2021-4-226-241 ISSN 2073-6495DOI 10.34020/2073-6495-2021-4-226-241РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47433120Posted on site: 28.12.21 AbstractThis article is devoted to the study of the consequences of social isolation of elderly Muscovites during the spread of coronavirus infection. The author draws attention to the fact that the informal isolation of the older generation has existed for a long time, but only in the new conditions associated with the pandemic, the «home mode» of life in old age was fixed by law. Social isolation is considered as a risk to the life and health of the older generation. It is shown how unprecedented restrictive measures of the Government affected the psycho-emotional and physical health of elderly people, and the tasks of the state to reduce the vulnerability, ensure the safety and resilience of the elderly were not solved.