Nazarenko A.V. Understanding the concept of network. In: Networking of political relations in the conditions of a new reality: [monograph] ... Nazarenko A.V. Understanding the concept of network. In: Networking of political relations in the conditions of a new reality: [monograph] / O. M. Mikhaylenok, A.V. Nazarenko, V. V. Lyublinsky [et al.] ; ed. O. M. Mikhaylenok, A.V. Nazarenko ; FCTAS RAS - M. : FCTAS RAS, 2021. P. 33-82. Глава из книги: Сетевизация политических отношений в условиях новой реальности: [монография] / О. М. Михайленок, А. В. Назаренко, В. В. Люблинский [и др.] ; отв. ред. О. М. Михайленок, А. В. Назаренко ; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М. : ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. – 382 сISBN 978-5-89697-371-3DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-371-3.2021РИНЦ: on site: 29.12.21 AbstractThe rejection of Laplassian historical temporal determinism and the transition to a quantum view of the world as a community of entangled subjectivities opens the way for us to comprehend the essence of the network - a new form of world organization. In an artificially shared model of time-space, time is always real, while its derivative - space - is only the result of cause-and-effect relationships between events, remaining just an illusion. The concept of an event is key to understanding the logic and morphology of the network, bringing together temporality and semantic and cultural attitudes. Oznenie events or assigning them a name in a certain way focuses eventfulness, turning into a kind of construct of sociality. Collectiveness and particularity, individuality and universality are always politically appointed. The figure of the signifier becomes key in understanding the logic of building and transforming a network of relationships in living nature and society. The eventfulness inherent in the network model of relations, as a result of which the signifier and the signified appear, ultimately comes down to the production of subjectivity, which is always politically colored, regardless of whether its coloration coincides with a certain general emotional and rational background. Deep perception and understanding of the essence of the network is impossible without perceiving it as a rhizome connecting the unconnected. The networkization of political relations presupposes a shift in the humanities and social sciences from scientific paradigms to ethical and aesthetic ones. Impossible communities are born as dissipative systems, all the complexity of which is localized at the level of relations between elements, from personally experienced, remained unnoticed and unconscious, or generally failed relationships, localized within the signifier or signified. The connecting link of the impossible community is not rituals, traditions and rules, but polyphony and effects. The political production of polyphonic relations opens up space for temporal fluctuations, making any process endless. Spontaneity, self-organization, impossible communities, symbols, memes, graffiti completely destroy the classic mechanical or targeted cause-and-effect reading of the world. Politics becomes situational and radicalized, which forces us to look at the practice of stabilizing, unifying, anarchic and revolutionary impulses in the context of networked postmodern ambiguity. Understanding the essence of the political in the network of relations is impossible without the transition from a simple descending triad of disciplinary-constituted cognition “object-property-relationship” to a complex ascending “relationship-property-object”, which allows explaining the rhizomality of relations, and revolution, and anarchy, and dissipative systems. , and self-organization, and impossible communities, devoid of the usual dichotomies such as living-nonliving, internal-external, observer-observable, objective-subjective.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents