Larina E.V. Features of modern normative ideas of students about alcohol consumption (according to the study 2020-2021). Humanities, Social-economic and Social Sciences – 2021. – №12-1. - P. 69-71. Larina E.V. Features of modern normative ideas of students about alcohol consumption (according to the study 2020-2021). Humanities, Social-economic and Social Sciences – 2021. – №12-1. - P. 69-71.ISSN 2220-2404DOI 10.23672/b7270-1217-3064-cРИНЦ: on site: 30.12.21Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 30.12.2021)AbstractThe article presents an analysis of the data of the conducted research of students (2020-2021, N=528, Moscow, Krasnodar, Yaroslavl) in order to identify the modern ideas of this population group about the norms regarding alcohol consumption. According to the results, alcohol consumption remains a serious problem among students. An early introduction to drinking alcoholic beverages were revealed. A contradiction between the idea of alcohol consumption as a socially acceptable life practice and the declared value of a healthy lifestyle, that including a complete rejection of alcohol were found out. The most common reason for refusing 2 to drink alcohol is a personal volitional decision of an individual – «I just decided and don't drink».