Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dzutsev Kh.V. , Dibirova A.P., Kornienko N.V. Russian elite: ways of formation and prospects. Sociology. 2021. No. 5. Pp. 82-86.

Dzutsev Kh.V. , Dibirova A.P., Kornienko N.V. Russian elite: ways of formation and prospects. Sociology. 2021. No. 5. Pp. 82-86.
ISSN 1812-9226

Posted on site: 09.01.22

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 09.01.2022)


This article attempts to find the reasons for the low efficiency of social reforms in the absence of a system of socio-political elite of society, consisting of competent educated managers. The urgency of this problem was especially acute during the period of the global pandemic associated with the spread of the new COVID‑19 virus, when the inconsistency in the actions of the governments of leading countries led to a worsening not only of the epidemiological, but also of the socio-political and economic situation around the world. The history of the development of the concepts of the elite of the classics of Russian sociology and contemporaries is analyzed. Examples of the behavior of aristocrats in Europe and the United States are given. Domestic science with great difficulty approaches the issue of forming the elite as the best representatives of their nation, capable of using power for the good of everyone, guided by high moral and intellectual qualities, and not by connections, money and power transmitted by inheritance. Over the 100 years that have passed since the collapse of the estate system in Russia, the country has not formed a political “elite” in the European sense of the word, and also a mechanism has not been formed that contributes to the formation of a political elite from the most noble and educated people who are able This article attempts to find the reasons for thelow efficiency of social reforms in the absence ofa system of socio-politicalelite of society, consistingof competent educated managers. Theurgency of this problem was especially acuteduring the period of the global pandemic associatedwith the spread of the new COVID‑19 virus,when the inconsistency in the actions of thegovernments of leading countries led to a worseningnot only of the epidemiological, but alsoof the socio-politicaland economic situationaround the world. The history of the developmentof the concepts of the elite of the classicsof Russian sociology and contemporaries is analyzed.Examples of the behavior of aristocratsin Europe and the United States are given. Domesticscience with great difficulty approachesthe issue of forming the elite as the best representativesof their nation, capable of usingpower for the good of everyone, guided by highmoral and intellectual qualities, and not by connections,money and power transmitted by inheritance.Over the 100 years that have passedsince the collapse of the estate system in Russia,the country has not formed a political “elite”in the European sense of the word, and alsoa mechanism has not been formed that contributesto the formation of a political elite from themost noble and educated people who are able to implement such things that are needed today. for our country of reform.