Nazarov M.M., Kovalev P.A. Pandemic and long-term dynamics of media consumption. Social sciences and modernity. 2021. No. 4. P. 49-63. DOI: 10.31857 ... Nazarov M.M., Kovalev P.A. Pandemic and long-term dynamics of media consumption. Social sciences and modernity. 2021. No. 4. P. 49-63. DOI: 10.31857/S086904990014960-8.ISSN 0869-0499DOI 10.31857/S086904990014960-8РИНЦ: on site: 09.01.22 AbstractThe results of the study indicate that COVID-19 is a significant factor that influenced the consumption of the two leading media in Russian society - television and the Internet. Since the pandemic is a global phenomenon, the study of the Russian audience is carried out in the context of the analysis of similar trends in foreign countries. It was shown that the pandemic intensified or changed the trends in media consumption, the potential of which was formed as a result of the massive introduction of communication innovations in the previous decade. It was recorded that the trend of shortening the viewing duration, previously inherent in television, was reversed during the 2020 pandemic. The trend of increasing the duration of Internet use continued. This is especially true for the various online video formats. The largest increase in media consumption was observed during the first wave of morbidity and the introduction of quarantine measures. The deepening of the processes of mediatization was observed. The pandemic has changed the socio-psychological atmosphere, the mode of life of people, which led to the intensification of information processes in society. Media convergence processes gained additional impetus in the year of the pandemic. Custom screens of TVs, smartphones and other devices now form a single space in the struggle for the audience's attention. This intensifies competition between traditional TV companies and new technological platforms, and has serious political, economic and socio-cultural consequences.