Ageev A.I., Zolotareva O.A. Demography and human capital of the EAEU: trends and losses in a pandemic. Economic strategies. 2021. Vol. 23. No. 6 (180). Pp. 20-29. Ageev A.I., Zolotareva O.A. Demography and human capital of the EAEU: trends and losses in a pandemic. Economic strategies. 2021. Vol. 23. No. 6 (180). Pp. 20-29.ISSN 1680-094XDOI 10.33917/es-6.180.2021.20-29РИНЦ: on site: 10.01.22 AbstractDemographic dynamics are of paramount importance for a successful scenario for the future of both Eurasian integration and each EAEU member state. The pandemic crisis caused an increase in excess mortality, reduced social well-being, and created serious legal and managerial conflicts. Within the EAEU, new barriers to mobility and migration have emerged, and social tension has increased. In the current realities, the current supranational solutions are insufficient, they are poorly focused on achieving the demographic security of the EAEU member states. Coordinated actions are needed to significantly improve the demographic situation in the EAEU.