Zemlyanova EV, Ivanova AE. On the issue of forecasting demographic processes in a post-pandemic society: opinion of foreign experts. In: Socio-demographic potential of the Russia's youth. Mterials of All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (Yalta, 22-24 April 2021). Executive editor TK Rostovskaya. M.: FNISC RAN, 2021. P. 77-83. Zemlyanova EV, Ivanova AE. On the issue of forecasting demographic processes in a post-pandemic society: opinion of foreign experts. In: Socio-demographic potential of the Russia`s youth. Mterials of All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (Yalta, 22-24 April 2021). Executive editor TK Rostovskaya. M.: FNISC RAN, 2021. P. 77-83.Глава из книги: Социально-демографический потенциал российской молодёжи: Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции (Ялта, 22–24 апреля 2021 года) / Отв. ред. Т. К. Ростовская. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. – 189 с. URL: https://www.fnisc.ru/index.php?page_id=1198&id=9433 ISBN 978-5-89697-348-5DOI 10.19181/conf.978-5-89697-348-5.2021.12РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45722617Posted on site: 11.01.22 AbstractPandemic affects all demographic processes. In addition to excessmortality from COVID-19, deaths from chronic diseases have also increasedworldwide because of lower numbers seeking and undergoing treatment whichleads to life expectancy decrease. Pandemic’s effect on fertility is differentlydirected and up to moment all estimations are premature.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents