Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

N.V. Golik, L.V. Bogatyreva, A.G. Shchelkin. «God s Revance»: A Reason For Thinking About Social Ontology. Review Of The Russian Christian Academy For The Humanities. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 4 (2). P. 20-30.

N.V. Golik, L.V. Bogatyreva, A.G. Shchelkin. «God s Revance»: A Reason For Thinking About Social Ontology. Review Of The Russian Christian Academy For The Humanities. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 4 (2). P. 20-30.
ISSN 1819–2777

Posted on site: 12.01.22



The article discusses the question of the extent to which (social) ontology can be in demand as a system of thinking and attitude to the world of (social) things in the light of the fact that the postmodern paradigm not only failed to continue the intellectual order in human society and culture, but also due to its arbitrary approach to the «nature of things» postmodernism has become a source of discrepancy between the universal and human conditions of existence. In an atmosphere of value relativism, there is an unprecedented * Голик Надежда Васильевна, Социологический ин-т ФНИСЦ РАН, ассоциированный научный сотрудник, доктор философских наук, профессор; Богатырёва Людмила Викторовна, кандидат философских наук, доцент, Русская христианская гуманитарная академия; Щелкин Александр Георгиевич, доктор философских наук, ведущий научный со- трудник, профессор; ** Статья выполнена в рамках проекта РФФИ No 21–011–44055 «Идея Бога и образ теологии в философских дискурсах зрелого модерна и постмодерна» 21 «redefinition» of such categories as civilization, gender, family, childhood, and others. In this situation, political cynicism and consumer plunder of culture feel best. The phenomenon of desecularization («Revenge of God») can be considered as a kind of reaction to what is happening.Political cynicism and consumer plunder of culture feel best. The phenomenon of desecularization («Revenge of God») can be considered a kind of reaction to what is happening. The article discusses the question of the extent to which (social) ontology can be indemand as a system of thinking and attitude to the world of (social) things in the light ofthe fact that the postmodern paradigm not only failed to continue the intellectual order inhuman society and culture, but also due to its arbitrary approach to the «nature of things»postmodernism has become a source of discrepancy between the universal and humanconditions of existence. In an atmosphere of value relativism, there is an unprecedented* Голик Надежда Васильевна, Социологический ин-т ФНИСЦ РАН, ассоциированныйнаучный сотрудник, доктор философских наук, профессор; n_golik@mail.ruБогатырёва Людмила Викторовна, кандидат философских наук, доцент, Русскаяхристианская гуманитарная академия; bourlaka@mail.ruЩелкин Александр Георгиевич, доктор философских наук, ведущий научный со-трудник, профессор; ** Статья выполнена в рамках проекта РФФИ No 21–011–44055 «Идея Бога и образтеологии в философских дискурсах зрелого модерна и постмодерна»21«redefinition» of such categories as civilization, gender, family, childhood, and others. In thissituation, political cynicism and consumer plunder of culture feel best. The phenomenonof desecularization («Revenge of God») can be considered as a kind of reaction to what ishappening.Political cynicism and consumer plunder of culture feel best. The phenomenon ofdesecularization («Revenge of God») can be considered a kind of reaction to what is happening.


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