Kabashova E.V., Kadyrov S.Kh. Decent wages for the working population: social expectations and reality. Economics and Management: a scientific and practical journal. 2021. No.6. Pp.39-44. DOI: 10.34773 ... Kabashova E.V., Kadyrov S.Kh. Decent wages for the working population: social expectations and reality. Economics and Management: a scientific and practical journal. 2021. No.6. Pp.39-44. DOI: 10.34773/EU.2021.6.6ISSN 2072-8697DOI 10.34773/EU.2021.6.6РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47364389Posted on site: 13.01.22 AbstractThe article presents the results of a sociological study in the Republic of Bashkortostan «Quality of employment and human development», gives subjective assessments of the level of financial situation of employees and selfemployed population. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the actual level of remuneration of the middle strata of the population is lower compared to official data. The rather difficult situation in the social and labor sphere is also evidenced by the low proportion of employees who consider their wages to be decent and fair.