Lukyanets A.S., Khramova M.N., BUI Quang Tuan, Morozov V.M. Prospects and Directions of Interna-tional Cooperation between Russia and Vietnam. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 1. Jekonomika i parvо [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2021. Nо. 4-5. Р. 17-34. DOI: 10.26653 ... Lukyanets A.S., Khramova M.N., BUI Quang Tuan, Morozov V.M. Prospects and Directions of Interna-tional Cooperation between Russia and Vietnam. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 1. Jekonomika i parvо [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2021. Nо. 4-5. Р. 17-34. DOI: 10.26653/2076-4650-2021-4-5-02. (in Russ.)ISSN 2076-4650DOI 10.26653/2076-4650-2021-4-5-02РИНЦ: on site: 22.03.22 AbstractThe article examines the prospects for trade, economic and investment cooperation between Russia and Vietnam in the context of the modern international agenda. As part of the study, it was found that the determining factor in the development of Russian-Vietnamese relations are geopolitical trends that are emerging both directly in the Asia-Pacific region and the nature of interaction or confrontation between key countries of the world, primarily Russia, China and the United States. The geopolitical confrontation between the above three countries is largely determined by the nature of Russian-Vietnamese relations. Strengthening and expansion of Russian-Vietnamese political and economic relations is under pressure of unprecedented pressure from both the countries of Europe, the USA, Australia, Japan due to the situation with the Crimea and the Eastern regions of Ukraine, and China, which, due to large-scale geopolitical ambitions, especially in the Asian region does not welcome the active rapprochement of Russia both with Vietnam and with any other country in the region. Based on the results of the study, the most promising areas of strengthening and further development of Russian-Vietnamese relations were identified and substantiated, which are mutually beneficial to both countries. Among the most promising areas, it is necessary to note cooperation in the energy sector, including the peaceful atom, socio-cultural and biopharmaceutical spheres. The success and effec-tiveness of socio-economic cooperation between Russia and Vietnam will, oddly enough, depend not only on the countries themselves, but also on the nature of relations between Russia and Vietnam with such powers as China and the United States. between key countries of the world, primarily Russia, China and the United States. The geopolitical confrontation between the above three countries is largely determined by the nature of Russian-Vietnamese relations. Strengthening and expansion of Russian-Vietnamese political and economic relations is under pressure of unprecedented pressure from both the countries of Europe, the USA, Australia, Japan due to the situation with the Crimea and the Eastern regions of Ukraine, and China, which, due to large-scale geopolitical ambitions, especially in the Asian region does not welcome the active rapprochement of Russia both with Vietnam and with any other country in the region.Based on the results of the study, the most promising areas of strengthening and further development of Russian-Vietnamese relations were identified and substantiated, which are mutually beneficial to both countries. Among the most promising areas, it is necessary to note cooperation in the energy sector, including the peaceful atom, socio-cultural and biopharmaceutical spheres. The success and effec-tiveness of socio-economic cooperation between Russia and Vietnam will, oddly enough, depend not only on the countries themselves, but also on the nature of relations between Russia and Vietnam with such powers as China and the United States.